Sunday 25 January 2015

Islaahi Correspondence | Letter Five | Intolerance whilst teaching

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem


Intolerance whilst teaching


As-Salaamu ‘alaykum warahmatullah

I am a Madrasa teacher and find myself intolerant when it comes to some of my students, especially the ones who are weak and slow in learning. In my frustration, I sometimes insult such students and thereafter regret my behaviour. Due to their slowness, I even leave off testing them. Please advise on how to overcome my intolerance.


Bismihi Ta’ala

Sister in Islam,

Wa-alaykumus Salaam wa-Rahmatullahi wa-Barakaatuhu

1.)  Ahle Ilm[1] are supposed to be Ahle Hilm[2]. Just as you would like that Allah Ta’ala tolerates you with all your weaknesses and shortcomings, so you will have to train your nafs to also tolerate others on their weaknesses. Being human means that we are prone to shortcomings and errors – each and every one of us.

2.)    Comments that are uncalled for and that are hurtful to the children will invite regret. Learn to maintain silence. The Hadeeth mentions that a man does not slip so much with his foot as he does with his tongue.

3.)    Moreover, you should adopt ‘adl’[3] in respect to your students, otherwise not testing them due to their weakness, will be an injustice to them. Allah Ta’ala has entrusted these students to your care. This is an Amaanat[4]. Win them over with love, compassion and affection. Encourage them with good words and with incentives.

If need be, get the brighter students to give a little time to the weaker students, for revision purposes – that is, if you do not have sufficient time. However, do not be neglectful in giving your attention to the child.

4.)    There are many excellent books by our pious Ulama and these book offer different methods of teaching, as well as excellent suggestions in dealing with students. You should try and obtain them, and follow through with the noble advice and guidance therein. 

Was-Salaamu alaykum wa-Rahmatullahi wa-Barakaatuhu
Yunus Patel (Maulana)

[1] Ahle Ilm : People of Knowledge
[2] Ahle Hilm : People of Tolerance
[3] Adl : justice
[4] Amaanat : trust